Largest PULL for Safety Event Yet!

THANK YOU, Sponsors, Attendees, and Raffle Donors,

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for making the May 3rd PULL for Safety Clay Shoot Fundraiser an huge success. Your unwavering commitment and dedication to safety excellence in our industry have truly made a difference.

PHOTOS HERE: A snapshot from the bustling atmosphere of the PULL for Safety Clay Shoot Fundraiser.

Your generous contributions have been instrumental in furthering our mission of promoting safety within the industry. This event marks significant milestones as it has enabled us to spearhead various safety-related initiatives with unparalleled success.


  • Three years ago: With your support, we hired dedicated personnel whose expertise significantly enhanced our safety measures.
  • 1st Construction Safety Site Technician (CSST) program: Thanks to your contributions, we successfully piloted this program, offering the workforce a globally recognized safety credential.
  • Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Summit: Last year, your generosity helped offset the costs for the construction inaugural summit, addressing critical challenges faced by the industry.


A moment of appreciation as sponsors and attendees gather to celebrate the event's success.

Your unwavering support has not only led to these significant milestones but has also fostered a positive 'Safety First' culture that permeates throughout the industry. Your dedication contributes to creating a safer, healthier environment for future generations.

We are grateful for your generosity, dedication, and unwavering commitment to safety excellence. Together, we are shaping a brighter, safer future for our industry.

With deepest appreciation,

AGC New Mexico

Email Katrina Soto to reserve your team for next year!