Councils & Forums


Engage with a network of industry peers to address key issues impacting you and your business.

Our councils and forums allow members to collaborate to meet the needs of the membership and of the industry as a whole.  These groups help create grassroots contact with emerging issues and a forum for discussion of key construction industry concerns.  It is through these discussions that AGC members exchange information and ideas, and provide the basis for policy change within the organization.

If you are interested in participating in any of the following committees or advisory groups, please contact the respective staff associate.

Councils and Advisory Groups

The Architects Liaison

The Architects Liaison works in partnership to promote the NM Commercial Construction markets.   Most notably, the Liaison works with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) New Mexico members to find solutions to issues that affect the entire commercial construction community. The Liaison welcomes AIA New Mexico architects who wish to serve and aid development of awareness of the perspective of these industry professionals and propose action to the AGC Board that is key to the development of the construction profession.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

AGC/UNM Endowment

The inception of the AGC Endowed Chair in 1984 created a lifelong partnership between UNM and the AGC New Mexico membership.   The specific link is between the building segment of the industry represented by the AGC New Mexico and the Department of Civil Engineering, but this expands broadly across the industry and through the School of Engineering to the University as a whole.

Staff Associates: 

AGC Board of Directors

To serve as a voting member of the association membership; developing policies, procedures and monitoring the financial performance and the chapter’s strategic direction.  Members of the Board of Directors are elected by AGC NM membership.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

AGC Best Buildings Advisory Council

Best Buildings recognizes owners, general contractors, specialty contractors, and design professionals.  Criteria include; (1) Meeting the challenge of a difficult job; (2) Excellence in project management, including use of value engineering and partnering; (3) Contractor’s innovation in construction techniques and materials; (4) Contractor’s state-of-the-art advancement; (5) Contractor’s sensitivity to the environment and surroundings, and (6) Excellence in client services.  The Best Buildings Awards program is a celebration of quality in construction.

Staff Associate:  Katrina Soto

AGC Human Resource Council

This council brings together HR Professional members of AGC Commercial Construction organizations in a quarterly meeting to address the educational, networking, and knowledge needs of these members. The council provides networking opportunities, operates a listserv; recommends National AGC resources, and disseminates the latest trends affecting management of HR.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

New Mexico Contractors Comp Trust

Self-insured worker compensation program. Committee works to ensure premium stability and accountability to our participants for performance, continuing development and strict adherence to the achievement of safety excellence.  Best management practices are developed and shared by members at six WCSAC breakfast meetings annually.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth


AGC Comp Trust Safety Advisors Committee

The safety managers/directors who are members of AGC’s self-insured workers’ compensation meet six times/year to discuss work comp issues, hot topics in safety, and review trends in claims.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

Collective Bargaining

The mission of the AGC Collective Bargaining Committee is: (1) To negotiate collective bargaining agreements with carpenters, laborers, cement masons, ironworkers, and operating engineers on behalf of AGC member contractors who assign bargaining rights to the chapter for those crafts; (2) To represent management on joint Taft-Hartley pension, health and welfare, and apprenticeship training trust funds; (3) To support joint labor-management cooperative programs.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

Chair: Patrick Thomas, Summit Construction

Construction Industries Commission (CIC) – AGC Technical Advisory Council

Assist and provide guidance to the New Mexico CIC Division on matters related to GB & GS Licenses, Building Code enforcement and maintain liaison with other industry related organizations to ensure a responsive and effective Construction Industries Division.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

Construction Professionals are identified by the subject and/or regulatory issue

Construction Leadership Council (CLC)

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) functions as a forum in which anyone can network, socialize, and exchange ideas on issues facing mid–career construction professionals.  CLC frequently hosts AGC Chapter educational events as well as CLC informational roundtable events.  This Council hosts events focusing on emerging technologies and also works closely with the UNM/AGC Student Chapter and AGC’s ACE Leadership High School. The CLC is open to all interested members without the need for a formal appointment process.

Staff Associate: Katrina Soto

Legends Golf Committee

AGC’s annual golf outing presents members with a premier opportunity to gather in a social setting while at the same time demonstrate support for chapter strategic initiatives. The golf committee establishes the format of the event and works to identify and secure sponsors.

Staff Associate: Katrina Soto

Architecture, Construction & Engineering (ACE) Leadership High School

ACE Leadership High School is a unique public-private initiative of AGC and members with three distinct and complementary missions:  High School, Dropout Re-engagement Program, Professional Development Center.  The school and its programs provide cutting-edge, construction-specific learning to students by highly skilled teachers.  Our commitment will goes beyond graduation to a successful transition to work and/or college and beyond as we help our graduates establish a professional network of support to advance their construction careers.

School Principal:  

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

New Mexico Building Education Foundation (NMBEF)

A private non-profit education foundation providing education and workforce development opportunities to benefit the commercial construction profession. The NMBEC (formerly known as Construction Advancement Program [CAP] charter was originally signed in 1989 and it has five specific purposes: (1) To conduct and promote education and training programs for the construction industry; (2) To foster secondary and post secondary education in construction related fields of study, including the awarding of scholarships and fellowships; (3) To promote safety and accident prevention practices in the construction industry; (4) To promote the construction industry and its image; (5) To solicit funds from both within and without the construction profession to accomplish these purposes.

Staff Associate: Kelly Roepke-Orth

Safety and Health Committee

The objectives of this committee are to develop best practice guidelines which encourage and promote education in safe work practices and safety awareness on the job, and to maintain member awareness of new and changing regulations.   Members of the NM OSHA Cooperative Partnership “Construction Health and Safety Excellence” (CHASE) participate in jobsite self-audits and are represented on NM OSHA’s Partnership Council.

Staff Associate: Todd Sanchez

Unilateral Training Committee

To meet the needs of open shop contractors by actively maintaining and promoting quality apprenticeship training in carpentry, bricklaying, concrete finishing, craft laborer, and glazing.  Participation is restricted to AGC Open Shop Members.

Staff Associate: Penny Jones


We encourage all members to realize the value of your AGC membership and get involved with one of our committees!